Thursday, January 3, 2008

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star...

Last Sunday we picked out the Baby's Nursey Decor! And by We I mean my best friend Lauren and I. We spent a good hour just looking at all the different themes for the baby's room - and at all the adorable clothes! (Thank you sooo much Laur for going with me, couldn't have done it without you!!).

The decor is called Goodnight Star. It's sooo cute!! Mostly blues and greens which were the colors we wanted for the baby's room anyway, so I'm really happy with the choice.

Here's a couple pictures (below - I pulled them from the website). Isn't it cute!! Now I am REALLY anxious to get started decorating the baby's room. We are just about done with the laundry room. Tony's finished the remodeling down there and painted the room a pretty lemon color, now we just need to lay the tile (this weekend!) and finish with some trim then we'll be ready to get started on the nursery! We picked out a pretty green for the walls - I can't wait to see how it turns out!

Also - Happy 2008 to one and all!! I tried to stay up for the official ball drop but at 11PM, I needed to sleep! Thanks to our friend Mike for letting me borrow his bed for a couple hours so the baby and I could rest. I may have slept through the changing of the years - but it looks like 2008 is going to be the best year ever and I am so happy it's started!

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