Monday, March 17, 2008

The Pregnancy Rollercoaster

I wasn’t going to write about this recent experience, but I created this blog to talk about both the ups and downs of pregnancy…

I felt pretty “off” for most of the day yesterday. I kept getting pains in my right side, but figured it was the normal pains I have been feeling when the baby is very active. I ended up getting really terrible cramping starting this morning around 3 AM. It was pretty constant so by 6 when it hadn't stopped I called my OB. They sent me over to the hospital and hooked me up to a machine which monitored the baby’s heartbeat and my contractions. I kept having contractions for the next few hours. (Everything is just fine with the baby's heartbeat.) The resident doc did an internal which showed I am 2 cm dilated. I was given a shot to stop the contractions, which sped my heart up and made me feel like I had just drank 5 cups of coffee (I hyperventilated a little and got a bit sick to my stomach)! Luckily it did its job and stopped the contractions. I am now on bed rest for today and tomorrow. I've been having some spotting because of the internal (which is normal), but for the most part haven't had any more labor symptoms. It was a little scary when they said I was dilated, but I'm just glad they stopped it. I'm more bored sitting here at home than anything else now. I have a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday where I'm hoping I can get some more information. I'm somewhat worried my little guy will get here too soon.

For now I am just going to follow the docs orders and get some rest. I’m very optimistic that everything will be just fine as long as I take it easy. Oh and - Happy St. Patrick's Day! (I almost forgot!)

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